Clays & Slips

PMSO offers a range of clays and slips, varying in texture and colour.

Potters Tools

Essential pottery tools, whether you are hand building, sculpting, or wheel throwing.


Be creative with PSMO’s Underglazes for more visual depth and character.

Potters Equipment

You’d find slab rollers, kilns, pottery wheels, extruders and everything in between!

Our Gallery

A mixed collection of ceramic artwork from customers and ourselves.

Potters FAQ’s

Some commonly asked questions we have received.
What is the best way to store my clay?

Hotter temperatures will encourage the clay to dry out faster even with the thick plastic bag, and freezing temperatures create a really strange texture in the clay requiring you to wedge or knead it really well before using it. The plastic bags do work really well especially if they are well sealed

Can I use Earthenware brush-on glazes on Stoneware clays?

If stoneware clay is fired to maturing temperature it will be difficult to apply brush-on glazes as the surface will not be porous, if this can be achieved then the earthenware glaze might fire successfully but there is a risk of crazing. The glaze must be fired to its specified temperature. Some stoneware clays are dual purpose and can be used at earthenware temperatures.

At what temperature can I open my Kiln after the firing cycle?

If the door is opened when the kiln is above 200°C there is a risk of cracking the pottery because of uneven cooling at the critical point of sudden contraction.

SectionHow fast should I fire my kiln?

The first firing, (bisque or biscuit) should be quite slow to avoid moisture trapped in the clay from turning to steam which will shatter the ware The best approach is to fire 50degC-100degC per hour up to 600degC then 150deg per hour up to 1000degC For glazing 150degC per hour 500 degC then 250degC up to maturing temperature of glaze.